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gentle breeze 【氣象學】微風(三級風)。

The most lovely one can be regarded as that willo w father - in - law trembling by the pond , the best partner in summer that it is us , creep into it what wild monkey that we often only look like like , naughty ground tearing its beard , the gentle breeze will stroke and come to generate the n oise that “ the sand rustles “ , seem to be itch an d breathe out and breathe out laughing itching by us 最可愛的要算是池塘邊的那一位位顫抖著的柳樹公公哦,它是我們夏天最好的伙伴,我們常常像只的野猴似的鉆進它懷里,調皮地扯著它的胡須,微風拂來發出“沙沙沙”的響聲,仿佛被我們弄得癢癢地呵呵大笑。

gentle folk

The most lovely one can be regarded as that willo w father - in - law trembling by the pond , the best partner in summer that it is us , creep into it what wild monkey that we often only look like like , naughty ground tearing its beard , the gentle breeze will stroke and come to generate the n oise that “ the sand rustles “ , seem to be itch an d breathe out and breathe out laughing itching by us 最可愛的要算是池塘邊的那一位位顫抖著的柳樹公公哦,它是我們夏天最好的伙伴,我們常常像只的野猴似的鉆進它懷里,調皮地扯著它的胡須,微風拂來發出“沙沙沙”的響聲,仿佛被我們弄得癢癢地呵呵大笑。

One must look at the golden cabbage flowers below to see the glistening flowers welcoming the sunshine and swaying with the gentle breeze in a tender melody . thousands of flowers expose their beauty competitively with the shadowy colors of the unruffled young cabbage leaves that stretch toward the distant horizon 人們欣賞下面金色芥菜花,就會看見閃爍的花朵,迎著陽光,隨著風兒輕柔地旋律在擺動,朦朧的嫩葉延伸至遠端的地平線,成千上萬的花朵,在綠葉襯托下,競相爭妍。

She permitted an initiation for that day , and excited mothers brought their children for half initiation , and others who were practicing the convenient method came for full initiation . the blessing power was very strong during the initiation and disciples swayed like flowers in a gentle breeze 她慈允了當天的一場印心,興奮的母親們帶她們的小孩來印半心,修方便法的人得以求得正法,印心時加持力非常強,大家感覺有如被和風輕拂的花朵。

She has a kind of abysmal magic power on the stage . her performance gives awaysa piece of rest , she can pentrate the heart of the people like the gentle breeze blowing over a deep stagnant water and running into a quiet body , everybody can have a strong sense of feeling from ber glamour 她在舞臺上,有一種深不可測的魔力,一舉一動,哪怕是一個休止符,都有如微風從一泓止水一空掠過,寂靜的身體里,便有了細浪追逐的聲音。

It was a great honour to have stood in the shade of that beautifully renewed heritage home , with a gentle breeze wafting in from the pacific ocean to carry such warm impassioned music on its wing and kiss the face and hearts of all who could hear 我感到十分榮幸站在這座美麗的、翻新的歷史建筑下,太平洋飄來暖風,夾帶著激昂的音樂輕吻了每一位在場聆聽的人們。

And there is the mountain , with snow capped tops and limpid springs , with duteous sheep and gentle breeze , with memories of a lifetime , haunting in my dreams , each single night 于是又見遠山,山頂白雪皚皚,山澗清澈可鑒,帶著拂面的清風和溫順的羊群,帶著一段平靜而永恒的回憶,每一夜伴著漫天的星輝回到夢中來。 ”

But shortly after her family left , a gentle breeze suddenly came up and lift her right off the mountain top and took her across the valleys and to another mountain where it set her gently down 她的家人剛離開不久,就突然刮來一陣輕柔的風,風兒裹著她飛離了山頂,越過了山谷,將她輕輕放在另一座山頂上。

The air was clean and there was a gentle breeze , occasionally ruffling the many tall trees surrounding and protecting the lodge and helping them to shed more of their old leaves 時值初冬,氣溫清涼,陽光普照,微風輕撩環繞粉嶺別墅的大樹,偶爾吹落片片黃葉。

These clouds are small and white , and usually line themselves up in groups in a regular pattern . they resemble the small ripples created by a gentle breeze on water surface 這種云塊看起來很小,呈白色,通常成行成群,排列整,像微風吹過水面泛起的小波紋。

Some say that listening to japanese singer natsukawa rimi ' s voice makes you feel as if you were basking in the sun with a gentle breeze caressing your face 有人說聽到日本歌手夏川里美的歌聲,會讓你覺得像沐浴在陽光下,被溫柔的微風撫摸著臉龐。

After the interview , master , our fellow practitioners and a few guests sat on the green meadow enjoying the setting sun and cool , gentle breeze 采訪結束后,師父和同修以及一些來賓留在草地上,一同享受夕陽西下及拂面微風的歡愉時光。

The beach runs along a wide stretch of coastline , which , with its gentle breezes and fine waves , is an ideal site for water sports 由于當地的海岸線筆直寬闊,而且海面波平浪靜,因此是最佳的水上活動場地。

With each gentle breeze , the bamboo sways and dances gracefully , portraying a shower of nectar raining down from heaven onto earth 當微風輕拂,竹片會此起彼落地隨風舞動,象徵天上甘霖灑落大地。

When i listen to it , i feel as if i stand on a boundless plain , surrounded by the blue sky and the gentle breeze 許巍的歌聲從遙遠的天邊傳來,輕緩的,卻讓人感覺到它的力度。

The dandelion swayed in the gentle breeze like an oscillating electric fan set on medium 蒲公英在微風中擺蕩,好像旋轉的電扇風力設在中段一樣不快也不慢。

A timely shower had prepared a lush green lawn under an azure sky and gentle breezes flowed 剛被雨水清洗過的道場綠草茵茵,清風習習,天空蔚藍。

The sun had just sunk below the horizon , and a gentle breeze caressed one ' s face 太陽剛剛下了地平線。軟風一陣一陣地吹上人面,怪癢癢的。

The vast , clear skies and gentle breeze indicated a good time for travel 入秋之初的塞外,天空晴朗,和風習習,正是旅游的好時節。